Monday, November 1, 2010

  • Stone forest
  • Western Hills
  • Dianchi Lake
  • The Golden Temple
Stone Forest:

-located in Shilin County, 85 kilometres southeast of Kunming
-over 270 million years old
-Period 230million years ago to 2 million years ago , the ocean subsided and giant rocks appeared. During this time the rocks were gradually worn away by water, forming the strange rock forms seem today
-On the cliffs and peaks we find ancient fresco painted using a mixture of animal blood and minerals
-It's beautiful and peculiar, breathtaking and unique natural landscape
-The magnificent, strange and steep landscape creates countless labyrinthine vistas, including: Major Stone Forest, Minor Stone Forest and Naigu Stone Forest

Western Hills:
It is called 'Sleeping Buddha Hills'. From a distance, they have the appearance of a giant sleeping Buddha. There are wonderful scenic spots such as Huating Temple, Taihua Temple, Sanqing Pavilion, and Dragon Gate. In the temple such as Huating Temple, Taihua Temple, Sanqing Pavilion, and Dragon Gate, you can see three golden Buddha figures with kindly expressions, 500 life-like arhats which are vivid just like real people, and golden figures of Laughing Buddha

Dianchi Lake:
It is the largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province and the sixth largest one in China and located in the southwest part of Kunming City. The lake is crescent-shaped. With picturesque scenery and its location on the Yungui Plateau, the lake has a reputation as 'A Pearl on the Plateau'. Unfortunately, the lake has been badly polluted. Although efforts have been made to save the lake, they have been largely unsuccessful.

Golden Temple:
Located on top of Mingfeng (Singing Phoenix) Hill is the home of the Taoist Taihe Palace (Hall of Supreme Harmony), which is the largest copper temple in China. It is also known as the Tongwa Temple (Bronze Tile Temple) and by its popular name, the Golden Temple.
As with most Taoist temples, you approach it by climbing up a mountainside on winding stone steps and pass through a series of "Heavenly Gates". The three Heavenly Gates of the Golden Temple are highly decorated with painted archivolts and carved beams and rafters. The beautiful walk up the stairs can get up closer to the golden temple

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